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LLM Beefer-Upper

LLM Beefer Upper - Automate chain of thought with multi-agent prompt templates | Product Hunt LLM Beefer Upper Featured on topAI.tools

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Pre-built Templates

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All Business Career Development Coding Education & Learning Feedback Planning / Project Management Research Translation Writing & Comms Writing & Editing
Added by 35 users

High quality blog article drafter

This template creates an exceptional blog article draft based on provided topic information, target audience, and specific requirements. It involves four stages: initial content creation, fact-checking and coherence verification, style and engagement enhancement, and final p...

Categories: Writing & Comms

Added by 19 users

Providing the best quality completions of existing drafts

This template uses multi-persona reflection stages to continue a draft text based on the preceding text and any additional contextual requirements.

Categories: Writing & Comms

Added by 19 users

Personalised study notes for a single academic paper

This template creates tailored study notes for a single academic paper, focusing on the user's specific learning objectives and academic background. It involves four stages: initial note creation, accuracy verification, improvement suggestions, and a final version of the stu...

Categories: Education & Learning

Added by 17 users

Outstanding Summariser

This template creates a comprehensive, tailored summary of provided text, focusing on user-specified areas of interest and relevance. It involves four stages: initial summary creation, accuracy verification, improvement suggestions, and a final polished version.

Categories: Writing & Editing, Research

Added by 13 users

FAQ Generation from Source Material

This template creates a well-structured, user-friendly FAQ based on provided source material, tailoring the content and style to the specified audience and context. The process involves initial FAQ creation, accuracy verification, improvement suggestions, and a final polishe...

Categories: Writing & Comms

Added by 13 users

Dissertation / Research Project Planner

This template assists in creating a comprehensive plan for a dissertation or research project. It covers various aspects including topic refinement, research methodology, literature review planning, ethics, practical considerations and project timeline. The process involves ...

Categories: Research

Added by 12 users

Ruthless critical feedback on your work

This template provides rigorous, critical feedback on academic papers, presentations, or professional work. The prompts are deliberately harsh to combat the natural friendliness of LLMs – you will get far better feedback when forcing it to be ultra-critical. It aims to ident...

Categories: Feedback

Added by 10 users

Job Application Letter Generator

This template creates a tailored, compelling job application letter based on the applicant's CV, job details, and any specific requirements. The process involves initial letter drafting, accuracy verification, improvement suggestions, and a final polished version.

Categories: Career Development

Added by 10 users

Custom Job Interview Questions and Model Answers Generator

Suitable for both job candidates and recruiters. This template creates tailored job interview questions and model answers based on the provided job description and candidate criteria. It generates 10 likely interview questions with corresponding STAR-format model answers of ...

Categories: Career Development

Added by 9 users

Automation script generation

This template creates a comprehensive automation script tailored to the user's specific requirements, including error handling, comments, and placeholders. It's designed for beginners and involves four stages: initial script creation, code review and enhancement, user-friend...

Categories: Coding

Added by 8 users

Perfect Project Plan Designer

This template creates a comprehensive and well-structured project plan based on provided knowledge and user instructions. The process involves initial plan creation, accuracy and feasibility verification, improvement suggestions, and a final polished version.

Categories: Planning / Project Management

Added by 8 users

Curriculum Development Assistant

Helps create educational curricula, including learning objectives, lesson plans, and assessment strategies.

Categories: Education & Learning

Added by 8 users

Coursework Assignment / Exam Question Drafter

This template creates tailored coursework assignment or exam question draft based on provided syllabus information, learning outcomes, and past assignment / question examples and your particular task requirements. It involves four stages: initial draft creation, accuracy and...

Categories: Education & Learning

Added by 6 users

General Language Translation (max 3000 words)

This template creates a high-quality, professional translation of provided source text into a required target language, ensuring the output maintains authenticity in the target language while retaining the original meaning as effectively as possible. It involves four stages:...

Categories: Translation

Added by 5 users

Polished Executive Summary Creator

This template generates concise, impactful executive summaries from longer reports or documents, highlighting key points and recommendations. It involves four stages: initial summary creation, accuracy and completeness verification, enhancement for impact and clarity, and fi...

Categories: Business, Writing & Comms

Added by 3 users

Marketing Campaign Strategy Designer

Crafts a comprehensive marketing strategy, including target audience analysis, channel selection, and ROI projections.

Categories: Business

Added by 2 users

Model Exam Answer Guide

This template creates a comprehensive guide for structuring and evaluating exam answers, providing headings, key points, and qualities of answers at different levels (excellent, good, satisfactory, poor). It involves four stages: initial guide creation, accuracy and relevanc...

Categories: Education & Learning

Added by 2 users

Crisis Communication Planner

This template creates comprehensive crisis communication plans for organisations, including scenario planning, stakeholder analysis, and response strategies. It involves four stages: initial plan creation, risk assessment and verification, enhancement for practicality and ef...

Categories: Business, Planning / Project Management, Writing & Comms

Added by 1 user

Academic Language Translation (max 2000 words)

This template creates a high-quality, professional translation of academic work into a target language, ensuring the output maintains academic style and authenticity in the target language. It involves four stages: initial translation, accuracy and style verification, enhanc...

Categories: Translation